IHS Girl’s lacrosse wins first scrimmage against Penn Trafford

By ADRIANA GUTH-BOROWSKI – The IHS Girl’s Lacrosse team began their first scrimmage of the season strongly with a 15-3 win.  Indiana started off quickly with three goals, and Penn Trafford responded with two. Indiana midfielders were able to get the majority of draw controls, ending the half 7-2. Indiana scored eight additional goals and […]

Mrs. Bytner joins IHS as the new speech-language therapist

By SYDNEY BRICE – Mrs. Kristin Bytner is a new speech language therapist for the Indiana Area School District. Bytner began working with students at Indiana in November. She began her time teaching at three different buildings: Horace Mann, the Junior High, and the Senior High. Her time was short at each building which made […]

Senior Lucas Connell spearheads the AP Capstone Program

By ETHAN BLACK – At one of IASD’s most recent school board meetings, Senior Lucas Connell pushed board members for the installment of the AP Capstone Program, a 2-year program where students take an AP Seminar and then AP Research (students can take Seminar without taking Research, but not the other way around). In a […]

Students weigh in on the hybrid learning model halfway through the year

By KAYLEE BECKER-GEORGE – As IHS transitioned into the second semester, students were reminded that they are halfway through this chaotic school year. Ever since COVID-19 hit the United States one year ago, schooling has not been the same.  When the hybrid learning model was implemented, many people thought that it would only be for […]

Two former IHS students appear on the soundtrack of Disney’s movie Soul

By KILEY BRANAN – IHS alumni Joe Saylor and Phil Kuehn have scored a major hit appearing on the musical score of the Disney movie Soul on drums and bass, respectively Soul is a family movie about a jazz pianist who has a near-death experience and ends up stuck in the afterlife rethinking some of […]

IHS Leadership still planning to have a Mini-THON

By SYDNEY BRICE – COVID-19 has robbed the 2021 school year of many fun events, but IHS leadership is planning on making sure that Mini-THON is not one of them.  Mini-THON is an event that everybody in school gets excited about, and it is a time for us all to stand together for one cause. […]

Indiana sees a sudden rise in COVID cases in recent weeks

BY TEAGAN MERRIMAN – With the imminent return of students to IUP and IHS comes the imminent rise of COVID cases.  In the two week period between October 7-20, the county has seen 169 new cases, 33 of which have come from students at IUP.  There have been multiple confirmed cases within the school district […]

Hybrid learning continues through the second quarter

By MAGGIE MEDVETZ – Don’t retire the sweatpants and t-shirts quite yet; hybrid learning is continuing into the second quarter and many students feel prepared despite the challenges.   While there are disadvantages to the hybrid model, students have found ways to work around them and be successful while they are learning at home.  Keeping this […]

A pop of color and sustainability comes to Indiana

By KILEY BRANAN – Thanks to Spruce Art Residency and Dripped on The Road, Indiana, PA has a new sight downtown. The murals that were recently painted in downtown Indiana are a wonderful pop of color and relate back to the town as well as bring sustainability aspects. A local arts center known as Spruce […]