Key Club works toward making a difference

By ADDISON MCAFEE Key Club is always playing a part in the community and helping in any way it can. They participate in acts of community service for people who need it most and give to others in so many different ways. They work together to make our school and community a better place for […]
IHS clubs remain during COVID-19

By TRISTIN WIGGINS – IHS is making changes so that our clubs can run efficiently and still follow COVID-19 health guidelines. All organizations at IHS have been working hard to get on their feet since COVID-19 hit. One thing that is exciting for the students to be participating in is clubs. The senior high has […]
IHS raises awareness for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

By ADRIANA GUTH-BOROWSKI – February marks the beginning of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. At IHS, the Alice Paul House plans various activities throughout the month to spread prevention tactics for toxic relationships. One in three teenagers struggles with unhealthy and abusive relationships. Teen Dating Violence Awareness month, or TDVAM, is a national effort to […]
Love Basket fundraiser helps Indiana families enjoy the holidays

By HANNAH STEELE- The USDA reported in 2017 that 12.3% of American households are food insecure, which means that 1 in 8 families have struggled in providing food for their family members at some point in the year. Because of this, the holiday season can prove difficult for some families to enjoy. In an effort […]
Key Club is spreading joy this holiday season

By BROOKE BOYER- With Thanksgiving just around the corner and Christmas approaching, IHS Key Club is striving to bring joy to everyone this holiday season. Through donations and service events, members are helping to accomplish this goal. There are various ways for members to make contributions. By giving back to the community and helping those […]
Student organizations lend charitable hands
By ABAGAIL EVERETT – It’s the time of year to be thankful and charitable. For the holidays, IHS clubs and organizations are once again participating in the giving spirit. Every year around the holidays, The Indiana High School Student Government Association (SGA) sponsors a variety of events that raise money for the Teddy Bear Fund […]