By TRISTIN WIGGINS – IHS is making changes so that our clubs can run efficiently and still follow COVID-19 health guidelines.
All organizations at IHS have been working hard to get on their feet since COVID-19 hit. One thing that is exciting for the students to be participating in is clubs. The senior high has many different options for clubs that students can be involved with. The variety that students get to choose from makes it easy to find something for everyone.
Key Club is one example of a club here at IHS that has been improving its meetings to follow COVID guidelines. Senior Allie Rutledge said, “We will be holding our club meetings online as well as doing any service hours virtually.” In spite of the fact that they temporarily cannot hold meetings in person, students can still be active and involved online.
Senior Giavonna Spadafora stated, “Most events this year have been postponed, canceled, or virtual. Given these circumstances, we are adapting like crazy, and very fast.”
According to club organizer Mr. Bertig , the hybrid learners will attend clubs every three weeks. Bertig commented, “The school year has started with CCER every Wednesday, and this will continue for two or three more weeks. Then we will start a three-week rotation of A, B, and C clubs.” Bertig added, “Only clubs that can meet virtually will meet during the pandemic.”
Even though COVID-19 has affected every way that the school activities, clubs, and sports operate, staff and students are still working on making things run smoothly. Meeting virtually may not be as fun or efficient, but it still provides an opportunity for students to be productive and active in school activities.

[Photo by Sarah Love]
Photo Caption: “Juniors Trista Newman and Emma Levan work on an activity last school year for the Me to We Club.”