By SYDNEY BRICE – Indiana Senior High is back four days a week, so let’s refresh on the COVID guidelines we should all be following.
Many students have shown concern with the new guidelines and coming back four days. Senior Evan Cox stated, “I’m nervous about getting shut down because we will be seated within three to six feet of each other and have to quarantine when the person next to us gets COVID. I am very worried that many of the fun senior activities will get canceled because of this.”
What is happening?
- All students were given the opportunity to come back to school four days a week. Students are allowed to stay synchronous for two days if that is what is best for their family.
- Students will now be seated within three to six feet of one another allowing for more people in the classroom. If the person you are sitting next to tests positive for COVID-19 you will be quarantined. Contact tracing is still six feet.
- Wednesday will now be a full school day, and Friday will now be a synchronous half day.
Remember the Guidelines
- Wear your mask over your nose and mouth
ALL students are required to wear a mask that is above their mouth and nose. Students in study halls must be wearing masks at all times. Lunch is the only place where masks are allowed to be off making sure that you are six feet away from everybody.
- Walk the direction the arrows are pointing
To reduce the amount of traffic in the hallways make sure you are walking the direction of the arrows. During class periods you must still walk the right way down the halls. There are certain staircases for people going upstairs and downstairs make sure you are using the correct one.
- Food and Drinks
When drinking out of a water bottle, the mask should be lifted from the bottom still covering your nose. Make sure all bottles have straw for convenience. No food is allowed anywhere outside the cafeteria.
- Lunch Time
Lunch is the one time where masks are allowed to be off. Make sure that you are seated at all times and six feet apart. Do not sit in any closed areas and make sure you are sitting in the right sections. Do not walk around without a mask on and be sure to enter and exit on the right side. ALL students should be sitting in the auditorium at a green seat after we are dismissed.
- Mask Breaks
Mask breaks are still allowed, so if at any time you want to take your mask off, ask a teacher. Masks should NEVER be taken off in a classroom and all mask breaks should be taken outside when nobody is around you.
Sophomore, Brynlee Shawl expressed her concerns, “I think some people will follow the guidelines and some will not. People who are in sports right now might be more inclined to follow the guidelines so they do not jeopardize their season.”
Junior, Brock Petras said, “I’m not nervous, I have been going four days and am excited to see more people in the building. I just hope that many of the activities will be able to happen, such as MiniTHON.”
The end of the school year is coming close so let’s all work together to end strong! In order to keep all of our fun activities going, it will take extra caution from all of our students.

[Photo by Sydney Brice]
Photo Credit: “Senior Megan Brocious acknowledges the directional arrows that students need to follow in the halls.”