By JUSTIN REESE – As the school year kicks off, students adjust to the new Wednesday exclusive career readiness tenth period, designed to calm the anxiety of an unplanned post high school career.
IHS students got their first look at the new program when it debuted on September 4. Students were eased into the change by being presented a video clip reviewing post high school options including attending four year colleges, trade schools, and entering the workforce. The clip provided statistics and facts for each option, allowing students an opportunity to think more about the best choice for them.
Mandated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, career readiness and “soft skills” are the focus of the 2019-2020 school year. School Counselor Mrs. Katie Smith commented, “The main goal is to provide students with more of a focus on career exploration, and getting ready to move on after High School [and] giving a set time for those aspects.”
The benefits of the new tenth period are already going into effect. Sophomore Avery Olenchick stated, “Although it may be a bit anxiety provoking, my career readiness period has already made me feel better about where I’m going after high school.”
Other students disagreed with the implementation. Junior Anakin Leydic said, “It [career readiness] is not effective. Tenth period could be used instead for me to personally advance my career and complete school work.” Leydic was also critical of specific activities done in class including the online game “Kahoot” which highlighted graduation requirements.
In addition to advancing career readiness, tenth period was extended by five minutes allowing it to serve as a full period, to the benefit of core classes such as Algebra 2 and Chemistry.
Whether students agree with the implementation of the new Wednesday exclusive tenth period or not, it is in design, meant to prepare IHS students for their lives after high school, whatever that may be.

[Photo by Justin Reese]
Photo Caption: “Mrs. Hixson reviews graduation requirements with her career readiness tenth period.”