By JORIE MEIL – As another school year ends we must say goodbye and honor this year’s retirees. This year IHS is bidding farewell to Mr. Mark Zilinskas, Mrs. Bonnie Myers, and Mrs. Arlene Miller.

Zilinskas has been a teacher and coach at IHS for 30 years. During his tenure at IHS, he taught mathematics and coached track and football. “I have many fond memories of working with students and athletes over the past 30 years that are too numerous to count or difficult to rank.  I loved being a teacher and coach here,” shared Zilinskas. 

Zilnskas leaves the IHS community with these words of wisdom, “At school, as in all areas of our life, we are faced with so many choices. We are faced with so many tasks, challenges, goals, and mandates.  We cannot accomplish everything that comes before us.  What we can do is focus on the ones that truly matter and learn to let go of the ones that don’t.  If we are able to do that, we will never have regret.  What we will have is a true sense of contentment when it is time to move on.”

Mrs. Bonnie Myers has been an administrative assistant in the Indiana Area School District for 22 years. She started her career at the Jr. High and moved to IHS a year later. Students and faculty will remember her cheerful presence in the office and around the school.

“With so many memories in 22 years it would be difficult to narrow it down to just one,” stated Myers contemplating her favorite moments at IHS.  “I have enjoyed watching students grow into wonderful adults. They arrive as shy 9th graders and leave ready to take on their new journey as determined 12th graders.” 

Mrs. Arlene Miller has taught in the Indiana Area school district for 30 years, both at the Jr. High and Sr. High. She teaches 3-D art which includes styles such as ceramics, stained glass, jewelry, and more. 

“I’m going to miss my colleagues a lot; we had such a fun time together. I’ll miss all of the students that I’ve taught and the interactions with students. I’ve loved the creativity and excitement that I’ve seen from my students when doing the work,” reminisced Miller. 

Due to Covid-19 these three wonderful educators were not able to have the last days at IHS they deserved. Mrs. Miller spoke of missing the “one on one time” that she used to enjoy with her students. 

This was an odd and difficult school year for everyone, including those retiring this year and ending their careers in such an unexpected way. Zilinskas commented, “After it was determined we would not be coming back to school this year, I went into school to clean out my room.  As I walked out of the empty building it hit me that that’s all that it is – a building.  I realized what I was missing and will continue to miss are the students, teachers, and staff. We are what makes IHS so special.  I’ll miss all the laughter and going through the good times, bad times, and just the daily grind of life and all of us working to become better people.”

Congratulations to Mrs. Miller, Mr. Zilinskas, and Mrs. Myers for a successful and fulfilling career at IHS. The school community will miss your presence in the school and is forever impacted by the time you gave to the students and faculty. 

[Photos courtesy of IHS Digital Media]

Mr. Zilinskas, Mrs. Myers, and Mrs. Miller have had a tremendous impact on the students of IHS for many years.

Jorie Meil

Jorie is a senior co-editor and has been on the High Arrow and is in her fourth year on the staff.  Jorie enjoys being able to inform the public of all goings-on at IHS.