Artist in Residency program educates and electrifies
By INDIA KRUG – For students in the band department, many acclaimed jazz musicians are contained within sheet music– mere names connected to the songs they wrote or performed. The Artist in Residence program provides something more tangible: bringing the musicians straight to Indiana, PA.
IHS performs exceptionally well in NIE competition
By HANNAH STEELE- Some may say that journalism is a dying art, but it was very much alive at the annual “Newspaper in Education” banquet on March 22nd at the Indiana Gazette office. The Indiana Gazette hosted an event honoring the winners and runner-ups of the NIE competition, which had an attendance of 80 […]
High schools compete at foreign language competition at IUP
By DEBRA FLINT- March 24 marked the the 29th annual Foreign Language Competition at IUP. Indiana had many participants and over a hundred students in the competition. APPLES, the Appalachian Professional Language Educators’ Society is a group formed in 1986 to foster cooperation among teachers at elementary through university levels in the same subject area.
IHS April Horoscope
IHS Mini-THON stands up to pediatric cancer
BY JENNIFER BRICE – The night of March 23 marked the 10th annual IHS Mini-THON, a philanthropic event that benefits the fight against pediatric cancer by donating to the Four Diamonds Fund. Students remained on their feet for six hours of the night to symbolize the relentless battle faced by children affected by illness. This […]
2018 student teachers enjoy the atmosphere of the senior high
By ASHLEE GRAHAM – Each year new teachers hit the halls of IHS, but only for a while. The student teachers for the 2018 school year have been here for some time now. IHS receives a group of student teachers from IUP to help provide new teaching styles to the students, as well as provide […]
Cellist Jacob Shaw IUP artist in residence
By RAELEIGH SMITH (contributing reporter) – Every year IUP does an Artist in Residence. This year they invented Jacob Shaw from London in the UK and his accompanist David Lau Magnussen form Denmark. Jacob Shaw is an internationally award-winning cellist. Performances in over 5 continents in the world. Greatest venues – Carnegie Hall, Berlin Konzerthaus, […]
Redhead-Kriston chosen for environmental summit
By JULIAN YERGER – During the summer of 2018, IHS Junior Madeline Redhead-Kriston (Maddie RK to those that know her) will be attending the Washington Youth Summit on the Environment (WYSE) from June 24 to 29. Hosted by George Mason University, this prestigious conference invites 300 students from across the country to learn environmental science […]
Healthcare: Through the eyes of a diabetic
*The following article won a first place prize in this year’s Newspapers In Education contest By JUSTIN REESE – As a diabetic, medication has become a regular in my life. A regular that I have accepted and has become habitual for me. I couldn’t imagine a life without it. Unfortunately, with any medication comes a […]
Freshman girls push through spring volleyball season
By EMMA NORMAN – For the freshman volleyball players here at IHS, staying optimistic is key to a successful season. Although the team has struggled, they are confident that they will end the season strong.