By JUSTIN REESE – Following a week of activities including the pep-rally, the crowning of Homecoming King and Queen, and a football game, comes the long-awaited Homecoming dance.

Taking place on Saturday, October 12 from 7:30-10:30 in the Upper Commons, dance-goers were star-struck by a “Celestial Wonders” theme that featured stars, lights, lanterns, and more. Homecoming queen senior Amelia Kuzneski stated, “I loved the theme and was so amazed at how many students came.”

This year’s Homecoming was filled with students from all grade levels, totaling over 500 tickets sold and making it one of IHS’s largest Homecoming dances. 

The dance was seen as a success to most students who have been anticipating the event. As a custom, the dance was preceded by a month of creative proposals, suit tailoring, and corsage purchasing, all in preparation for Homecoming.

Arguably, the crowd who enjoyed the dance the most was the seniors, seeing as it is their last. Queen Kuzneski added, “It was a little bitter-sweet because it was my last Homecoming, but I still had so much fun dressing up and spending time with my friends. I will definitely never forget my senior HOCO.” 

Homecoming King, Senior Antonio Caparossi, agreed with Kuzneski in saying, “I thought the dance was the most fun part. I have always enjoyed Homecoming and I had a blast. I loved getting to be with all my friends and making memories that we all will cherish forever.” Caparossi also added, “I thought the whole Homecoming weekend was amazing, probably one of the best of my life. From being crowned, to the football game, to the dance, it was all an amazing experience. I am so thankful for everything that happened that weekend. I will remember it always.”

Whether students attended the dance or not, all IHS students have taken the time to appreciate the dance, and the events leading to it as well as the self-less effort put forward by so many to make this year’s IHS Homecoming one to remember. 

[Photo by Erik Puskar]

“Juniors Taylor Weaver and Anna Romance throw down hard at this year’s Homecoming dance.”


Justin Reese

Justin Reese is a junior and is returning to journalism for his second year of reporting. Justin loves writing articles that will inform and entertain his peers.