On Friday, October 18, Indiana Journalism and Digital Media students traveled to IUP to attend the annual journalism conference hosted by the Indiana Gazette. The seminar, which has been hosted at IUP for over twenty years, gives students from Indiana and neighboring schools the chance to learn from experienced journalists in the industry.
“This journalism conference is really valuable to students,” asserted High Arrow adviser Mr. Larry Nath. “The students are able to learn about journalism from the perspective of professionals in the field, giving them a chance to see how the world of professional journalism works in the event they should wish to pursue it as a career.”
The conference began with words from “Newspaper in Education” Coordinator Hastie Kinter from the Indiana Gazette. Executive Editor of the Gazette Eric Ebeling then spoke about the importance of local and community journalism, and why journalists are needed now more than ever.
“My second journalism conference at IUP provided me with a lot of great information from highly trained professional journalists,” stated High Arrow reporter junior Justin Reese. “This information betters me as a journalist and as a high school journalist in general.”
Students then had the opportunity to split up and attend several presentations that included subjects regarding photojournalism, sports writing, community journalism, social media, and basic fundamentals of writing. The presentations were given by members of the Indiana Gazette and the IUP Journalism department.
“I really enjoyed learning about journalistic aspects that I never had never heard of as a new journalist,” expressed freshman High Arrow reporter Kiley Branan.
The conference came to an end with the highly anticipated “News Mania” trivia tournament, hosted by staff writer Chauncey Ross. The game tested students’ knowledge of current events affecting Indiana locally and internationally.
High Arrow Co-Editor senior Jorie Meil enjoyed her last journalism conference. “[The conference] was a great learning experience. The professionals giving the speeches taught me a lot about journalistic writing and the business of journalism.”
The workshop allows students interested in journalism to learn more about the field from a professional perspective.

[Photo by Hannah Steele]
Photo Caption: “Juniors Adriana Guth-Borowski and Justin Reese compare notes after a session.”