By JORIE MEIL- Dust off those dancing shoes and warm up those singing voices, it’s musical season! This year’s production will be Once Upon a Mattress and everyone is invited to get involved. Auditions will be held on December 17 and 18, and crew information will be available in January.
Joining the musical cast, pit, or crew is an incredible opportunity offered by the IHS drama department. “Musicals have changed my life.. the musical has taught me multi tasking skills, memorization, and helped me improve on my vocal and acting skills. Not to mention the fact that the musical cast is so tight knit,” stated senior Nick Skalican.
The most obvious way to involve yourself in the musical is to audition. Auditions may be daunting, but don’t worry, the drama department has got you covered. Audition workshops will be held to help students prepare for their tryout. On December 4 and 11 there will be vocal workshops held in the vocal music room to help students learn the music, and on December 12 there will be a dance workshop held in the auditorium to learn the choreography for the audition. These workshops are a great way to prepare yourself for auditions and to feel more comfortable. For more information and material join the audition Google Classroom with the code fgfxara.
“The musical is an incredible experience for everyone involved and I encourage anyone interested in the arts to audition,” expresses junior Alyssa McLaine, “Everyone from 9th to 12th grade are invited to audition! Be confident when auditioning and don’t be afraid to ask Mrs. Lyons or students who have been in the musical before any questions that you have.”
If you want to join the musical, but not be in the spotlight, tech crew is the place for you. Being on crew gives students the opportunity to help make sets, create costumes, and run technical and behind the scenes aspects of the show. Information and applications regarding tech crew will be available in January.
Have instrumental musical talent and want to share it with the world? Join the pit. Pit musicians play the score for the show and help put the music in musical. See Mr. Olear in the band room for more information.
And if you can’t be a thespian, be a theatrical supporter! This year’s shows will be Thursday, March 14- Saturday, March 16 and students are needed to help run the front of house. Front of house workers would sell tickets, concessions, and usher the audience to their seats. For more information see Mrs. Lyons in March.
The musical at IHS is an amazing opportunity to meet new people, stretch your artistic muscles, and have a ton of fun! Senior Megan Hatfield noted, “Participating in something like a musical is a unique experience that involves more than just singing and dancing, it also teaches skills that can be used all through life. Anyone with any level of experience (including none) can take this opportunity from a school that really values their productions! There’s a place for everyone on stage, backstage, or in the pit, or even working front of house. We’d love to have you join our theatre family!”
For more information on anything regarding the musical see Mrs. Lyons or a Sendracs officer!
[Photo by Jorie Meil]
Photo Caption: Sendracs officers Alyssa McLaine and Reese McFarlane hang up posters promoting the musical audition workshops.