By JORIE MEIL –With the uncertain times associated with COVID-19 and being stuck at home, it’s very easy to get bored. Everyone across the world has been picking up new hobbies and activities to keep themselves entertained and sane.
However truly terrible quarantine is, it’s also a great time to pick up new hobbies or rekindle a love for an old activity. This can be just about anything as long as it’s six feet away from anyone else.
When people think of hobbies the first thing that normally comes to mind for many is crafting or creating something. This can come in so many forms such as painting, woodworking, drawing, and so much more. Personally, I have enjoyed the spare time to be able to sew and embroider. It helps to keep my creative muscles flowing while also creating a finished piece that makes me feel like I did something productive.
Although most people do in fact think of hobbies as making something, there are absolutely no rules as what counts as a hobby. Everyone is using this time differently.
With all of the extra time on their hands, many people are using quarantine to get in the workouts they couldn’t find time for in the busy school year. Sophomore Adeline Loyal expressed, “Getting back into fitness has helped me pass the time and stay active while stuck at home.” Good for anyone who has the motivation to workout, it’s hard to get out of bed most days!
Many people have also been using quarantine to reignite old passions. “Over quarantine I’ve picked up playing piano again,” commented senior Taylor Lang,” I got a keyboard two years ago for Christmas, and I played it a lot as soon as I got it, but I stopped. Recently I’ve been watching tutorials on YouTube on different songs to play.”
Whatever you can do during quarantine to stimulate your mind is amazing! Stay safe and stay busy!

{Photo by Jorie Meil}
Photo caption: Sewing is a great way to stay busy during quarantine.