By HANNAH STEELE- During this unprecedented time, it’s easy to get caught up in the fear-mongering “yellow journalism” scares that seem to be circulating on all platforms. Here are five facts that debunk myths about the current coronavirus pandemic that will help keep you informed.
Myth #1: Coronavirus is spread through 5G mobile networks.
Fact: Although this seems to be pretty obvious, viruses cannot spread through radio waves. Coronavirus is spread through respiratory droplets from an infected person. It can also be spread through touching a contaminated surface and then touching one’s mouth, nose, or eyes.
Myth #2: Cold weather can kill the new coronavirus.
Fact: Humans are endothermic, which means that the human body temperature remains the same temperature no matter what the outside conditions are. A more effective way of preventing coronavirus would be to frequently disinfect your hands.
Myth #3: You can determine if you have the coronavirus by holding your breath for ten seconds or more.
Fact: The most common symptoms of the coronavirus are a dry cough, shortness of breath, and a fever. Although the virus does come with respiratory symptoms, not being able to hold your breath for ten seconds is not an accurate way to determine if you have the virus. The best way to get a diagnosis would be to get a medical test done from a professional. If you suspect you have the virus, call your physician to determine the best course of action.
Myth #4: The coronavirus was a man-made invention.
The coronavirus was not manufactured in a lab and is the result of a virus common in animals undergoing changes and being passed on to humans.
Myth #5: The coronavirus can be transmitted through mosquito bites.
Fact: The coronavirus can be transmitted through respiratory droplets when a person coughs or sneezes. There is no current evidence to show that it can be transmitted through blood.
During this scary time, don’t fall victim to the over dramatization and fear tactics that yellow journalists use. Remember, if you hear or read something that seems like it could be fake, confirm it with three unbiased and credible sources.
Photo Caption: “During this pandemic, don’t fall victim to coronavirus claims made by yellow journalists.”
Hannah Steele
Hannah is a senior co-editor and has been on the High Arrow staff for four years. In regard to journalism, she enjoys writing the truth and delivering credible news.