By JUSTIN REESE – Attempting to retell the 209 classic Brothers Grimm fairy tales, the IHS drama department performed the Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon on Friday and Saturday, November 1 and 2. To see if it lives up to its name, I went and saw it.
The show started with a preface from the two main narrators, played by junior Bastian Webber and sophomore Avery Olenchick. They opened the show up by explaining their main objective, tell as many of the 209 Brothers Grimm fairy tales in one comprehensive conglomerate story. Olenchick said “overall it was a great experience that taught me so much. Although it was stressful because of the amount of lines I had to learn, I’m truly grateful to have been a part of the show”.
To no surprise, they recounted the events of countless fairy tales all in one continuous overlapping story. They included classics like Rapunzel, Cinderella, and The Frog Prince. Even touching on lesser-known tales such as Lean Lisa.
The narrators and diverse selection of characters provided humor and laughs to a variety of audience members, making sure to relate not only high school students, but parents, grandparents, siblings, and community members, myself included.
While watching the play, I often found myself fascinated by how many lines actors had to memorize. Alyssa McClaine, for example, had a scene where she and only she played seven different characters, which included running back and forth to character positions, and countless costume changes. Narrators also had a vast amount of lines to learn.
One of the drama department stage managers and character in the fall play, senior Reese McFarlane stated “Obviously stage-managing any production is difficult, but the amazing cast and crew that we had made it an incredibly enjoyable experience for everyone involved.” Adding to what McFarlane said, Bastian Webber said, “Although it was quite exhausting to be quite frank it really drew the drama department closer as a family.”
Audience participation made me and others feel like a part of the show. The narrators did a great job of engaging the audience and grabbing hold of their attention, I was truly captivated by the plot and the interactions with actors. On opening night I was playfully harassed by narrator Olenchick and antagonized for the death of Hansel from the tale of Hansel and Gretel.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the fall play Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon in its hilarious entirety. From its frequent and enthusiastic audience participation to my personal fascination with the recollection of lines by actors to the seamlessly continuous plot and the show, it was an experience full of amusement and laughter for all who were involved.

Photo by Erik Puskar
Photo Caption: “Rapunzel’s prince, played by Dexter Froud, contemplates saving Rapunzel from the tower.”