By JORIE MEIL-It’s October in small town America which means it’s time for the crowning of Homecoming King and Queen. As per usual, the 2019 Homecoming court is comprised of ten of IHS’s most well rounded and beloved seniors.
Every year five lovely ladies are picked by their classmates to be on the queen’s court. This year’s queens court is made up of Amelia Kuzneski, Alexis Smathers, Eliza Ray, Brooke Boyer, and Harley Kessler.
“I was very surprised and honored when I was announced to be on Homecoming court,” commented Ray. “There are so many students in our class who are so deserving of being on the court; I wish all of us could be on it! I would like to thank my senior class for not only allowing me to be on court, but for the past 13 years that I have spent with them.”
“It means a lot to me to be on Homecoming court and it made me really happy that the senior class thought that I deserved to be on court. The other girls that I’m on with are all such kind and amazing people and it makes me feel super lucky that I was grouped with them in any way,” said a thankful Smathers.
The king’s court is comprised of five gentlemen who are chosen from the senior class. This year’s court is made up of Daniel Lee, Owen Morris, Antonio Caporossi, Simon Bianco, and Justin Raible.
“Homecoming court to me is a huge honor because my senior class chose me out of all the kids to be a part of this small group. I really appreciate everyone that thought I was fit for the court, because there are so many people that are fitting for this spot in our grade.
I would just like to thank our class of 2020 because it really means a lot to me. I could pick so many guys and girls that are deserving, so I’m really taken aback by the fact that I was chosen,” expressed Bianco.
This year’s Queen and King will both be crowned at the Friday night football game against Blackhawk, differing from previous years in which the King would be crowned at the pep assembly.
As always, this year’s court are all highly involved members of the school community. From the football field to the band room these students are always active leaders and role models for the underclassmen.
The court members are all looking forward to this year’s highly anticipated Homecoming activities including games, dance, and pep assembly. “I am definitely excited for this year’s Homecoming events. I’ve always enjoyed watching the pep assembly and football game through high school, and Student Government always plans an amazing dance,” stated an excited Boyer.
Congratulations and good luck to the court members, have a safe and fun Homecoming!

[Photo by Erik Puskar]
Photo caption: “The 2019 homecoming court members prepare for the week of Homecoming events.”