This year, Miss Black has chosen to become the new adviser of the High Arrow. Miss Black is one of the English 10 teachers and is excited to now be a part of the High Arrow.
After Mr. Nath announced his retirement, Miss Black was asked to step up because of her knowledge and interest in journalism. Miss Black informs, “When I graduated college, I graduated with a minor in journalism and public relations, so this is always something I was interested in. When Mr. Nath was talking about retiring last school year, he floated the idea past me. I thought about it for a while and I knew it was something I was very passionate about and it just fit.”
Sophomore reporter Gabi Isenberg comments, “I think that she will be an excellent adviser and help us reach our goals.”
Miss Black plans to improve the High Arrow and make it more accessible to those who are interested in reading the publications. Miss Black commented, “I’m going to try to make us more digital. It’s not that Mr. Nath wasn’t digital, but we’re in a new era with technology so I’m going to try to make us more technologically advanced. ” Paper publications aren’t as popular as they once were, so Miss Black’s main focus is transferring most things to digital.
A junior reporter for the High Arrow, Madeline Shirley, says, “Miss Black is a new young thriving life and it’s benefiting all of us.”
[Photo Credit: Erik Puskar] “Miss Black, the new High Arrow adviser.”
When asked about any concerns moving forward with the High Arrow, Miss Black hesitated. “I don’t have any major concerns. I want to make sure we are covering timely news, which is a big thing, along with making sure we are covering as much as we can, and not leaving out different sports, events, music or activities. I want to make sure we include everything and represent IHS the best we can.” A journalist’s major responsibility is to cover all outstanding topics and make sure all of the facts are correct. Miss Black wants to make sure no group, activity or person is left out of the High Arrow.
Throughout this school year, all of IHS will benefit from timely, accurate and informative news from all reporters overseen by High Arrow adviser, Miss Black.
Ella Mosco
Associate Business Manager
Ella Mosco is a junior and a third-year reporter for the High Arrow. She enjoys going on long drives, spending time with her friends, and being spontaneous. She is excited to continue reporting for the High Arrow.