By PARKER KOONS – A quiet scene is interrupted by a sudden mystery. The Library Club put on a “whodunit mystery” for Halloween. The mystery was titled “Cold” and follows the staff and patients of a private hospital for mutant children. The nurse is preparing a surprise party for the doctor, but not everything goes as planned.
The whodunit mystery event occurred on Friday, October 26 during all three lunch periods. “It’s an exciting new activity to do during my senior year,” stated senior Brandon Gunsallus, a member of Library Club. All English classes can send two people to participate during the lunch periods. The teams were Alex Harris and Sara McClelland from Mr. Farina’s, Hailey Stiner and Nick Detwiler from Mrs. Duffy’s, Abby Travis and Daimyan Thorpe from Mrs. Haggerty’s, John Makara and Zach Palko from Mr. Nath’s, and Kaiden Johnson and Jeremy Thomas from Mrs. Steve’s.
Library Club acted out the play for the participants and after the last line, the mystery commenced. Each team joined two other teams per round. Teams had questions to answer, which slowly revealed the letters of the name of the culprit who committed the heinous crime. Questions required teams to use databases, websites, and the Dewey decimal system to find both books and references. Each team was timed on how fast they finished the mystery and discovered the correct answer.
Mrs. Sandbothe, the supervisor of both A and B Library club, said, “It’s a way for students to learn how to use the library and its databases and the winning team receives a trophy for their room for the whole year.”
Jessica Morse, a senior who participated in last year’s “Whodunit” expressed, “It was actually fun, my team knew the library pretty well. We almost won, but we lost by one question.” This is the second year the club is doing the mystery game, and it is planned to hopefully continue.
The cast of the whodunit was as follows: Hannah Taylor as Narrator 1, Sequoiah Rhoades as Narrator 2, Hope Byers as Doctor Neidra, Parker Koons as Nurse Andrei, Maddie Thompson as Edrina Sparks, Autumn Smith as Randie Fowler, Emma Cramer as Darien Indigo, and Brettney Marshall as Idrena. Props were done by Mea Cash, Madison Hughes, and Izabella Musser.
The winners of the Library Whodunit for 2018 are Madeline Faulkner and Kristianna Shearer from Dr. Bond’s class, second place went to Nathan Myers and Jeff Skursky from Mrs. Lyons’, third was claimed by Jessica Morse and Hannah Wiltrout from Mrs. King’s, and fourth place went to John Makara and Zach Palko from Mr. Nath’s.
[Photo by Drew Rado]
Photo Caption: “Freshmen Maddie Faulkner and Kristianna Shearer working on the questions provided to find out whodunit.”