By MEGHAN RUMMEL- Incoming freshmen had high expectations for the senior high school experience, and they seem to have been met.
As a freshman this year, I had to adjust to the many changes that go along with moving from the junior high to senior high. More people, more classes, more opportunities, new teachers, new friends, new events and many more.
Steven Budash, a freshman declares, “It [the senior high] is pretty much what I expected. There’s more opportunities to meet and talk to people, and more activities. I’ve met so many more people in the short time I’ve been in the high school already.” Lilly English, also a freshman added, “It seems easier then all of the junior high teachers told us it would be, and the teachers are more laid back than expected.”
Even though this is a freshman’s first year at IHS, they still get included in a lot of the things that go on here like, pep rallies, sports, journalism, clubs, digital media, and more. A lot of freedom is offered to 9th graders as well. Teachers are more trusting, students are more helpful; it’s just an overall welcoming community.
9th grader, Gavin Stiffey says, “Teachers here are nice, and the kids are the same as usual. The classes are very easy, besides Computer Applications.” Budash adds that “We for sure have more freedom at IHS. We couldn’t even wear bags past 5th period last year, or have our phones on us,” Students in the senior high are allowed to carry book bags all day long and are allowed to have cell phones, but most teachers require them to be turned off. Students also have more freedom by having Chromebooks, which every student was given.
By being given more class opportunities, some also come with more challenges. Budash says that “I expected my classes to be harder than last years, and they are.” Last year students in 8th grade were required to turn in a schedule sheet choosing their 9th grade classes, but coming into the junior high in 6th grade, students did not get the opportunity to choose what classes they would like to take.
Overall I think that most of us had high hopes coming into IHS and every expectation that we had was filled to the very top, or even a little more. The senior high school is a very open and welcoming community to the incoming 9th graders, and I think we are enjoying our time here so far.
[Photo by Meghan Rummel]
Photo Caption: “Maria Voorhies, Maiya Walls Paige Abrams, and Kaitlyn Hood are all excited to be at IHS”
Meghan is a freshman and this is her first year on the High Arrow staff. She is excited to write useful and truthful articles.