By TEAGAN MERRIMAN – IHS Girls Golf was in full swing this season. Having just wrapped up a memorable and record-breaking season, the team reached amazing heights this year.
The team posted a record breaking score, beating Connellsville 178-213 on September 9, 2020 at Pleasant Valley Country Club. With this accomplishment under their belt, all of the members of the team still worked hard to achieve their other goals.
Sophomore Addie Raykes commented, “Another goal we had this season is to become section champions. We worked really hard towards reaching our goals this season.”
Success like that of the golf team does not come without hard work. Ally Conrad, a junior, reflected on the tedious preparations that all of her fellow teammates have been making in the months prior to the first match. “We prepared for this upcoming season by playing it match by match and not stressing about any particular end goal. We’ve had some close matches this season, but taking them one by one has really helped us focus and not put too much pressure on ourselves and our teammates. When it comes to golf, focus is really important, so we’ve tried to do as much as we can to make sure that we don’t lose sight of what’s important.”
As the season at hand drew to a close, many players, especially the seniors, have taken time to reflect on their accomplishments as a member of the girl’s golf team, both this year and in years past.
Senior Hannah Reilly noted, “Our golf team has always stuck together like a family, and everyone is always incredibly supportive of each other. We’ve worked more this year on encouraging each other, staying positive, and celebrating our victories as a team together. I think our success this season has come from the fact that we have come together so close and are able to always be there for one another and stay positive through the good and bad days.”
The team has much to be proud of this year, finishing out the season just as strongly as they started.

[Photo by Sarah Kane]
Photo Caption: “Members of the girls golf team celebrate a winning match.”