French Week

By JORIE MEIL- Every year in November, people all around the world celebrate French Week, a time to appreciate the cultures of the French-speaking world. This year, IHS will take part in national French week with celebrations starting on November 8th.

It is important for students to learn about every culture, and French week is a great way to make that happen. French culture is all around us through food, music, art and food and now the French students are bringing it to IHS. Sophomore Lily Boulard expresses her love for French culture, “I’m super excited for French week! French culture is so interesting, and I can’t wait to share it with people.”

To kick off the celebrations, there will be a sale of authentic crêpes in the upper commons. This event will take place during tenth period and after school on November 8th. French students and French club members will have crêpe stations set up for students to purchase. Crêpes with one topping will be one dollar and every additional topping will be fifty cents.There will be a variety of toppings for the students to enjoy.

In addition to the crêpe sale there will be a crêpe eating contest held during the same time. A representative from each grade will have to eat five crepes with nutella and whipped cream. The student that can consume all five crêpes the fastest will win a prize and recognition.

During French week, all students, not just those taking a French class will be exposed to French culture. Every morning  as students are coming into school, there will French student DJs playing modern French music that students have picked. “My favorite part of French culture is the music. The music really makes you feel as if you are actually in France. Music really tells you a lot about the culture it comes from,” says sophomore French student Alyssa McLaine. Many students will also participate in spreading culture by playing live French music in the lower commons where students enter the school in the morning.

There are many other activities being used to celebrate national French appreciation week. One of these things is an art display in the art display room in the upper commons. There will be a variety of art shown that provides a slice of French culture. Among these will be famous French paintings, as well as work by  IHS students in a French style or that show French culture.

Another expression of French culture will be the “chalk the walk” that the French students and

French club are setting up. When students arrive to school on Tuesday the 14th they will be greeted with a variety of French culture at the entrance of the school. The ground will be covered with French symbols, quotations, and pictures to get the students engaged in French culture.

French week will be celebrated all over and IHS is ready to join in on the festivities. French culture is important and should be learned about and celebrated. Sophomore French student Danny Lee says, “I’m excited to get others excited for French week.”  Everyone should make sure to take advantage of these French week activities.

{Photo by Jorie Meil}

Photo Caption: Sophomore French students Danny Lee and Alyssa McLaine prepare for French week by hanging French flags in the language hallway

Copy of Screenshot 2017-09-19 at 8.01.52 AM

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