
By JORIE MEIL-Seniors at IHS are given the opportunity to get a jump start on their futures by participating in the senior career seminar internship program.

Senior career seminar grants students the chance to take part in internships that will give them a taste of the career they are planning on going into. This program will help participating students make decisions for their future, as well as give them experience that can aid them in their career paths.

Students can either partake in internships through the school district at one of the other district schools, or they can arrange for their own internships at other institutions.   

This year there are eight students participating in this program. Leo Lezzer is interning for technology, Hannah Smith is taking part in a medical internship, and Hannah Uschock is interning for Sherene Hess at the commissioner’s office at the county courthouse.

Jill Black, Sarah Gunter, Kristen Forrester, Taylor Sebring, and Jordan Raible are all participating in education internships within the district.

Many of this year’s students are participating in an education internship within the school district. These students want to go into some branch of education as their future careers. By participating in the senior career seminar the five students who are interning for education get to work with teachers in their classrooms every day to get a feel of what they will get to do in their future.

“We get real interaction with children instead of learning about these interactions,” says Black.

The other three students are participating in internships they set up all by themselves. Senior career seminar offers countless opportunities for students who want to go into all fields.

Uschock says, “It is my goal to major in Political Science starting in college next year, and I believe what I’m learning right now will help me the rest of my life.” Uschock believes that this program is highly beneficial to anyone wanting to go into government, and she even offered her help to any prospective student who would like to set up an internship like her’s.

While the school district sets up the education internships, if students want to intern for something else they must set up the internships themselves, and this has not shown to be a problem for many students.  

The student internship program has proved beneficial for many students in the past, and this year’s students see it the exact same way. Raible says, “I think this is very beneficial because it gives education students the chance to be able to do what the teachers do, to give a chance to see if this is what one wants to do in the future.”

These eight students are taking advantage of an amazing opportunity that is given to them by the school. Wishing them the best of luck with their internships this year and their future careers.


[Photo credit Jorie Meil]

Photo Caption: “Seniors Jill Black and Jordan Raible are getting extra experience in the classroom for their education internships”

Copy of Screenshot 2017-09-19 at 8.01.52 AM

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