As the new quarter starts at IHS some students are beginning to make new healthy habits to help them succeed during the new quarter.

Freshman Kalise Dugan says, “Some habits that I have starting the 3rd quarter is that I always go to my locker before first period and after 8th.  I don’t even think about it while I am doing it, I just do it.”

Dugan has started the habit of going to her locker before some of her classes. This could help her stay organized and less stressed throughout her school week. Having good habits starting in new quarters or just whenever can be very helpful for everyone.

“What I do every morning is check my grades and make sure I don’t have any missing work.” commented Freshman Rey Nunez.

Checking your grades everyday is super important so you can make sure you are succeeding in all of your classes. When checking your grades you can make sure that you don’t have any assignments missing or if there is anything you need to retake.

“Starting good habits is helpful and useful because they can help you become a more organized person. Good habits are useful for me because they can help me have a schedule so that I can more effectively get through my day.” added Dugan.

These habits can make student’s days less stressful and more productive. Habits help students get organized and create a schedule to make their daily tasks easier to complete.

Photo by Ella Myers – Digital Media Production II Student

Checking your grades everyday is super important so you can make sure you are succeeding in all of your classes. When checking your grades you can make sure that you don’t have any assignments missing or if there is anything you need to retake.

“Starting good habits is helpful and useful because they can help you become a more organized person. Good habits are useful for me because they can help me have a schedule so that I can more effectively get through my day.” added Dugan.

These habits can make students’ days less stressful and more productive. Habits help students get organized and create a schedule to make their daily tasks easier to complete.

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