By MEGHAN RUMMEL– Every year, IHS welcomes exchange students from all around the globe to engage in the exchange student program. This year there are six new students. These students will go to IHS for the entire school school year and return back home with a whole new experience. These students come from far and wide to experience American high school and all of the programs IHS has to offer.
This year the Indiana High School has students coming all the way from Denmark, Brazil, Vietnam, and more. Katherine Kirkbak, Teresa Javato Leo, Nina Damasko, Barbara Fujita, Jose Campos, and Jade Vu are all exchange students this year and are excited to experience American school and culture.
“I think the school is great,” stated Jade Vu. Vu is in tenth grade and has come all the way from Vietnam to be enrolled in the IHS exchange student program. She is excited to be a part of the IHS school community and take part in activities such as Homecoming.
Katherine Kirkbak, who is a senior this year coming into IHS, says “My favorite class in Denmark was English, that’s one of the reasons why I’m here.” Kirkbak is also playing tennis this year, and loves the atmosphere at IHS. “I think the high school is amazing, everyone is so open and doesn’t shut you out at all.”
Sophomore Teressa Javato Leo had plenty to say about IHS. “My opinion about the high school is really good. It feels like a high school in a movie. The people are very nice and so are the teachers.”
These exchange students are excited for some upcoming things here at the high school like clubs, Homecoming, football games, sports, and all of the other wonderful things IHS has to offer.
Javato Leo says, “I would like to join a club because I think it is an opportunity to meet more people, learn more interesting things and not get bored during 10th period.”
Vu commented, “I am excited for Homecoming.”
As these students get used to the excitement of IHS, the school community extends a warm welcome to our foreign friends!

[Photo by Erik Puskar]
Photo Caption: “This year’s exchange students (left to right) Nina Damasco, Jade Vu, Kathrine Kirkbak, Teresa Javato Leo, Barbara Fujita, and Jose Campos are excited for their year at IHS.”