Indiana Area Senior High School

What floats my boat? What sinks my ship?

By INDIA KRUG & ASHLEE GRAHAM Burger King Ashlee:  Have you ever tried the cheesy mashed potatoes tots? McDonald’s could never. The variety is untouchable by any other fast food chain, period. Sure, the interior isn’t the most appealing, but it’s the best drive-through spot you could ask for. Let’s not even start on their […]

Leaders at IHS are selected for their skills and ability

By JACOB CHRISTIAN – Positions of authority need to be chosen for capabilities, giving equal opportunity for all races, genders, and ages. This is a necessity throughout society at large, but also right here at IHS. In the various clubs and organizations at IHS, students that are given positions where they can lead are selected […]

Graduation is right around the corner

By DYLAN LATORE – Seniors, can you feel that feeling in the air? That wispy, light feeling of freedom coming closer and closer? It’s now at the point where seniors at IHS have less than a week until their departure off into the world. With the first warm days blessing our town, it’s almost as […]

Healthcare: Through the eyes of a diabetic

*The following article won a first place prize in this year’s Newspapers In Education contest By JUSTIN REESE – As a diabetic, medication has become a regular in my life. A regular that I have accepted and has become habitual for me. I couldn’t imagine a life without it. Unfortunately, with any medication comes a […]

Students voice opinions on gun violence

As part of the Indiana Gazette’s Newspapers n Education program, three members of the High Arrow staff submitted opinion columns on the topic of gun violence and school shootings, many receiving NIE awards for their efforts.  The articles are presented below: Armed teachers challenge gun violence By JULIAN YERGER – Just over a month ago, at the Marjory Stoneman […]

Point-Counterpoint: Trump’s First Year In Office

By MIA LENZI and INDIA KRUG A successful first year for President Trump By MIA LENZI – January 20 has recently passed leaving presses hot with the latest articles reviewing President Trump’s first year in office. Many will choose to overlook the positives of the year, but the previous 365 days have been full of accomplishments.

The danger of the #NewYearNewMe sham

By INDIA KRUG – The coming of a new year involves many things: tuning in to watch the ball drop, visiting with tipsy relatives, and scribbling down your coveted New Year’s resolutions.  I’ll be honest, I write them every year too.  Sometimes they’re realistic: drinking more water, keeping my room clean.   

Why feminism isn’t hating men

By DEBRA FLINT- The word feminism has been tainted by society. It has been confused with man-hating or a form of sexism. Feminism is the advocacy of women’s rights and equality for all sexes, rather than becoming more superior. Today’s society has become a real-life battle of the sexes.

Point/Counterpoint: The Repercussions of Celebrating Columbus Day

By INDIA KRUG and JULIAN YERGER POINT: The Repercussions of Celebrating Columbus Day By INDIA KRUG – As Americans, it is common for us to idealize holidays.  We place colder month festivities such as Thanksgiving atop pedestals, choosing to celebrate a crystallized vision of how we perceive that our culture comfortably fits within these events.  And […]

Marching band deserves its sports title

By DEBRA FLINT- A sport, by definition, is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which a team competes against another or others for entertainment. The marching band is a vital part of every IHS football game. Many believe marching band is just a form of performing arts, and they’d be right, but it’s […]