By ETHAN BLACK – Many school events here at IHS have one thing in common, and that is an association to Mr. Bertig. Many school events rely on announcements and planning done by Bertig, and when those things do not happen, as is the case currently due to covid, it becomes difficult to figure out ways to carry out these events in some way or another. But Bertig and his SGA members are working to figure things out to the best of their ability.
I sat down with Mr. Bertig to gather updates on some key school events people look forward to, even more now than ever. One of Bertig’s most important duties at IHS includes Student Government Association, which led me to ask him what they have been up to as of late.
“SGA has been preparing for the annual Teddy Bear Fund Drive raffle,” stated Bertig, “which will be conducted over the next few weeks.”
In the hallway connecting the upper commons to the nurse’s office stands a display case filled with donations from local businesses and even the Pittsburgh Pirates. Bertig leads this charge every year with his SGA members, which this year includes senior Beza Allison. I asked Allison what she and her fellow members have been doing as of late, to which she replied, “We’ve just been discussing our plans for how we can maneuver in the current climate. Teddy Bear Fundrive is happening but not at its normal function, and SGA is having a meeting soon to discuss the future of this year’s prom.”
Prom and Homecoming are two of the most important dances in all of high school, and Bertig understands this. Although Homecoming never came to fruition, a Homecoming court was selected and the ceremony was pushed to be held during this year’s basketball season. I asked Mr. Bertig how planning for these dances is coming along and he had a lot of information to discuss.
“As of right now, the school district is not permitting any fans for winter sports,” said Bertig. “This is largely due to Governor Wolf’s order that all indoor facilities must be at ten percent or less of total capacity. Therefore, those orders change, we will not be able to hold Homecoming ceremonies at a basketball game.”
To those wondering how the court’s king and queen will be decided, Bertig says SGA, along with Mr. Puskar, are favoring the annual videos about each court member and having students vote based on them, like in past years.
“Regarding Prom,” stated Bertig, “it is still planned for the Gateway Clipper Empress in Pittsburgh on Saturday, May 15. A final determination regarding Prom will likely be made in late March or early April.”
Hopes do seem bright for Prom as of right now, especially with the current mandates and restrictions in place by the district. Yet some students, like seniors Jack Fischer and Tucker Davis, aren’t just worried about Prom, but the school Quiz Bowl team as well. I interviewed Ficher and Davis about these uncertainties and got their feelings.
“I will be very devastated if Prom and Quiz Bowl are canceled,” expressed Fischer. “Prom is so important to us seniors and we may not even be able to go to one since last year’s never happened. Quiz Bowl is a cherished event not just for me, but for my friends.”
“I would be thoroughly disappointed if Quiz Bowl was canceled,” voiced Davis. “I love every meet we normally attend, and I feel it’s very important to have a team that does what we accomplish. I have a really good time with my friends and Mr. Bertig as well.”
Luckily, Bertig provided answers to these hopefuls’ holdouts. “As of right now,” said Bertig, “the Indiana County Academic League, consisting of ten high schools in Indiana and Armstrong Counties, plan on holding competitions in April or May.”
However, Bertig also said the season heavily rests on the pandemic and how conditions pan out, so the idea of a canceled season has not been dropped.
I’d like to thank Mr. Bertig for collaborating with the High Arrow, as we work to understand that the pandemic has slowed the efforts of his school committees, and we do not want his efforts to go unnoticed. Mr. Bertig is a well-organized leader, and we wish him the best of luck as we trudge through the last two quarters of an already mysterious 2020-21 school year.

[Photo by The High Arrow]
Photo Caption: “SGA member Sara Zimmerman works on Teddy Bear Fundrive initiatives during her study hall.”