By HANNAH STEELE- As the holiday season approaches, so does the annual Teddy Bear Fund Drive. This fundraiser gives support to local pediatrics including the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, and Indiana’s own IRMC. Students and faculty are able to raise money for these hospitals through many fun and creative activities proposed by the Student Government Association.
“We [SGA] make it our job to be the tie between the hospital and the high school, because there are hundreds of kids in the school who otherwise wouldn’t even know that the Teddy Bear Fund Drive exists,” stated junior Harley Kessler, who is the Vice President of the Student Government Association. “By doing things like the upcoming activity day and the Variety Show, we can bring awareness to the cause while people get to enjoy themselves at the same time.”
One of the most renowned events at IHS, the annual Variety Show showcases student and faculty talents in the auditorium on the day before Christmas break. “There are a lot of different kinds of talent in the school that deserve to be seen and heard,” stated Mr. Lawrence Nath, the coordinator of the Variety Show. “The Variety Show gives these students an outlet to perform, while also raising money for charity.” Students are encouraged to watch this performance by donating a minimum of $5 to the Teddy Bear Fund Drive.
Following the Variety Show, students get to participate in a special interest of their choice for the rest of the day. Some of these activities include backyard games, guitar and mandolin lessons with Mr. Daniel Murphy, and a table tennis tournament. Students have the opportunity to participate in a private activity with a club, provided that they have permission from a sponsoring teacher.
Throughout the week of December 16, different items will be up for raffle in the upper commons, with ticket sales benefiting the Teddy Bear Fund Drive. Organized by Mrs. Joyce Shirley and Mrs. Bonnie Meyers, the “Office Raffle” includes a journalism themed basket, a car-safety basket, a signed portrait of Mr. Brian Henninger, a tool kit, and more articles that are sure to peak students’ interests. The items in the raffle are donated by the staff and organizations of IHS.
Throughout December, SGA members have been selling popcorn and cotton candy in the upper commons to benefit the Teddy Bear Fund Drive. Junior Sarah Denver, an active member of SGA, has been involved in the popcorn sales. “The popcorn sales have been really successful because they are an easy way to raise a lot of money while also providing snacks to the students of IHS.”
Students are eager to participate in fun festivities while also raising money for a great cause. Donations for the Teddy Bear Fund Drive are being accepted outside of all three lunches during the week of December 16.
[Photo by Hannah Steele]
Photo Caption: “SGA member junior Sarah Denver sells popcorn to benefit the Teddy Bear Fund Drive.”