By KOREY FERRINGER– Leadership Seminar recently organized a garage sale to promote the upcoming IHS Mini-THON. The garage sale took place in the hall leading to the Upper Commons on February 5. They sold clothing that had been donated by students. All of the clothing was reasonably priced with Fill A Bag only being $7.00.
Leadership students choose to hold the garage sale because it not only offered sought after merchandise but also helped raise donations for Mini-THON. Over forty students donated clothing ranging from hoodies to pants, shirts and so much more.
“I think that the Leadership Seminar students are doing a wonderful job of finding new and innovative ways to raise money for a worthy cause while attempting to involve or reach out to as much of the school community as possible,” praised leadership adviser Ms. Devon Duffy.
Inspiration is everything when deciding on what to do to get people excited about Mini-THON. Senior Leadership student Sarah Denver said, “Since most people in 2020 love thrifting, I thought it would be a good idea to hold a garage sale in an effort to offer some cool vintage clothing to pop up.” The leadership seminar team showed an astounding job and the dale was a big success.
Mini-THON is an annual event that raises money that is donated to help childhood cancer patients. Senior Maddie Caroff stated, “Any amount of money helps out our Mini-THON. Even if we didn’t raise a ton of money, it’s still money benefiting a great cause.”
Mini-THON attendees participate in a variety of activities and cannot sit down until it is over. It’s a tradition that honors the courage and perseverance of children who have cancer and don’t have the privilege of being able to take a break from it.
The IHS garage sale was a way for students to donate clothing and help out a very good cause. Denver added, “Overall, I’m happy with the outcome of the garage sale and I’m excited to see what is in store for the next fundraisers for IHS Mini-THON.”

[Photo Courtesy of Taylor Lang]
Photo Caption: Seniors Sarah Denver, Katie Wachob, Molly Kodman, and Maddie Caroff worked tirelessly to make the THON garage sale a success.