By BROOKE BOYER- Craving caffeine during the long, grueling hours of school? The Commons Café is a new, creative idea that has been presented by Mrs. Dadson’s Life Skills class. The Café officially opened on December 10, and will be operating during 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, and 9th periods. The beverages that will be served by the students include both hot and cold coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. These versatile options can appeal to all students.
While this idea is a simple one, the Commons Café will provide the Life Skills students with meaningful experiences and opportunities that will be beneficial to them in the future. The students will be able to apply the skills they have learned in the classroom to a real life setting. In addition, they will be able to prepare for careers in the future and interact with their peers. Mrs. Dadson stated, “The main goal is to give the students employment opportunities that will help them get a job in the community once they graduate.”
Key Club Executive Board, IHS Leadership, and Sendracs members will work closely with the Life Skills students to support and assist them in the running of the new Café. Ms. Duffy, adviser of Key Club, is happy that Key Club members will be able to help out. Students who are interested in special education are also provided with the opportunity to serve as mentors.
Overall, the Commons Café will effectively provide the Life Skills students with customized vocational training that will be helpful to them later in life. “I think it’s a good idea to give the students real world experiences,” expressed senior Creed Wingerter.
The students of IHS have expressed enthusiasm in the opening of the new Commons Café. “I think that this is a good idea and I am definitely going to be a customer at the café!” said sophomore Tucker Davis.
The Commons Café is certain to bring delight to all students and teachers here at the high school. Make sure to stop by the Upper Commons to support the Life Skills students in their new and unique business throughout the course of the school year!
[Photo by Hannah Steele]
Photo Caption: Freshmen Hailey Lupinetti and Emma Levan get a boost of caffeine during the long day.

Brooke is a junior and this is her first year as a reporter on The High Arrow staff. She joined journalism in hopes of informing and entertaining peer readers within IHS.