By ASHLEE GRAHAM – Homecoming is an exciting time for everyone in Indiana. The big Friday night football game, the new Homecoming Court candidates, and the dance on Saturday bring a lot of fun festivities for students and the local community.
Along with all of these occurrences, there is always a Spirit Week leading up to the football game on that Friday night. Spirit Week breaks up the students’ week by adding some fun into their school days. Senior Ainsley Neiderhiser said, “Spirit Week was really fun to participate in with my friends, we always love dressing up and getting pictures together to show our school spirit.”
This year, students really showed their creativity and support with some of the themes that were presented. The themes were Meme Monday, Tie Dye Tuesday, Hawaiian Wednesday, Red and Black Thursday, and of course, there was no school the day of the game, Friday.
Kicking off homecoming week, Monday started off with Meme Monday. This was a brand new spirit day idea given by the Student Government Association and was a definite success. Some of the participants dressed up in a whole outfit to fit their meme, while others did small things to show their contribution and school spirit. Senior Grace Margita commented, “ I like getting dressed up into clothes that I would not normally wear to school.”
Tuesday was Tie-Dye Tuesday, a classic spirit day theme. Every year, this has one of the best turnouts of spirit week. Following was Hawaiian Wednesday, which gave the school a nice little finish to summer before the cold weather and snow soon come blowing into Indiana.
Due to no school on Friday, the last day of school was on Thursday. This week led up to Red and Black Day, to kick off into the homecoming game. This is the best turnout from the student body, where nearly all of the students dress up in some sort of red and black. According to senior Payton Rayko, “SGA planned Spirit Week with the help and opinions of many seniors. We hope everyone enjoyed the themes and want to thank all of those who participated throughout the week.”This is the main spirit day that gains focus over the others, due to the pep rally on Thursday afternoon. Seeing a sea of red and black on the stands really shows how supportive the school and community is towards our football team and school spirit in general.
Homecoming week was another great success this year, allowing senior high students to show off their school spirit and participate in a wide variety of activities.
[Photo by Payton White]
Photo Caption: “Seniors Emma Canillo, Meagan Hatfield, Laura Welch, and Amy Ishoy show their spirit on Tie-Dye Tuesday during Spirit Week.”