Indiana Area Senior High School

New English teacher joins IHS: Miss Kukula

By Samantha Aljoe

Miss Amy Kukula is a new addition at Indiana Senior High School. She is the new 9th grade English teacher. Miss Kukula went to the Cook Honor College at IUP, where she majored in English education and dance. 

Miss Kukula brings many new perspectives to IHS. In Miss Kukula’s classes, she has a prize bag and whoever’s name is picked either gets to sit in a comfy seat or get a Jolly Rancher. Miss Kukula said she chose to do that because when she was a student teaching at Marion Center, that teacher used tickets for prizes and Miss Kukula took that system to her own class. 

Miss Kukula commented on her teaching career at Indiana so far. “Teaching so far has been awesome. Indiana is a great school. I really like the different classes I get to teach and the other teachers I get to collaborate with. They have been really helpful in getting acclimated. I think the 9th grade class is awesome.” 

The text Miss Kukula is most excited to teach this year is the book Fahrenheit 451. The novel is the next book that her class will read. Her class is doing several different activities with the novel, such as a local writing competition. Her classes will submit some fiction stories that will relate to some of the themes present in the novel. 

Freshman Amber Banfield is one of Miss Kukula’s students this year. She expressed her feelings about Miss Kukula’s teaching style. “I like Miss Kukula. She is very kind and helpful.” 

Freshman Sydney Hirsch is another student in Miss Kukula’s second period. She spoke about Miss Kukula as a teacher. “Miss Kukula is really nice and helpful; she isn’t mean and gives time to complete assignments.” 

[Photo Credit: Samantha Aljoe] “Miss Kukula and freshman Amber Banfield chat in the hallway.”

Miss Black is one of Miss Kukula’s co-workers who also teaches English and went to college with Miss Kukula. Miss Black commented that Miss Kukula “is a lot of fun and brings a new perspective to a lot of different topics within our curriculum, which I think is really beneficial to us.” She also mentioned that “the students really seem to like her.” Miss Black also feels that Miss Kukula’s teaching style is effective. She expressed, “I feel like there are a lot of components to the way she teaches that are beneficial to students not only in general but also related to the curriculum.”  

Miss Kukula may be a new teacher, but she is well-liked and appreciated. It is evident that her students at IHS enjoy her class and are glad to have her as a teacher. 

Samantha Aljoe

Samantha Aljoe is a freshman and a first-year reporter for the High Arrow. She likes to read and spend time with her friends. She enjoys watching movies with her sister and going camping with friends and family. She is excited to write interview articles for the High Arrow.