By MAGGIE MEDVETZ-Domestic violence is not always something that teenagers pay attention to simply because it is not talked about as much as other issues such as mental health, but this does not diminish its importance.
Throughout the month of November, Leadership Seminar students are working with the Alice Paul House to change this and raise awareness of this important issue. By providing educational resources, statistics, and ways to get involved in ending domestic violence, this determined group of students is working to make a change.
One of the most important things Leadership students want others to take away from this initiative is awareness and knowledge on the topic, which they are working hard to provide to students.
Senior Hannah Reilly stated, “I want students to be more aware of the truth about domestic violence and be more informed on ways to help spread awareness, as well as recognize domestic violence in their own relationships and with friends and family.”
“I want students to learn the facts of domestic violence,” agreed senior Teagan Merriman. “I want everyone to be aware that it happens way more often than we think, and it takes many different shapes and forms. Education is so important when it comes to this topic because there are so many instances in a relationship that people, students especially, are so unhealthy and no one even realizes. Our goal is to educate students so they can keep themselves and others out of these harmful situations.”
A critical resource that Leadership would like to promote to students is the Alice Paul House; an institution in Indiana County that helps domestic violence victims.
“The Alice Paul House plays a big role in helping those affected by domestic violence by being a safe place,” explained senior Ashely Hite. “Anyone who is a victim or needs help can go there for food, shelter, or anything they need.”
Along with the Alice Paul House serving as a valuable resource for students and people alike, students can keep an eye on the Leadership social media pages for statistics, hotlines, and other valuable resources.
“Students can be sure to keep up with our Leadership social media and what we post for information regarding advice, as well as personal videos that deal with statistics and warning signs of domestic violence. Students can simply educate themselves on information regarding domestic violence and warning signs to protect themselves and others,” added Reilly.

[Photo by Maggie Medvetz]
Photo caption: “Leadership students Teagan Merriman and Gracie Agnello work on domestic violence awareness initiatives.”