By HANNAH STEELE- While the transition from in-person study to online school has proven to be a tough adjustment for some students during this unprecedented pandemic, others have to manage this while being an essential worker. Close to twenty IHS students are using their time to work at Giant Eagle whilst completing the online school year.
Senior Grace McGee expressed, “It’s a little scary, but Giant Eagle has a lot of precautions put into place. We have to put a new pair of gloves on after each customer, clean our whole register every half an hour, clean the keypad after each customer, and we also have a glass divider that separates us from the customer. Managing school and work has been easy because I work during the evening, so I just do my school work during the day.”
According to the United States Census Bureau, nearly 30% of high school students aged 16 and up are employed during the school year. While there isn’t any conclusive data to show how many high school students are working during this pandemic, many students are now working more hours, whether it be to help out the company they are employed with or to help support their family.
“It’s been very busy at Giant Eagle,” stated senior Eric Atherton. “I have picked up a lot of extra hours and I have taken extra responsibilities in my departments. I don’t mind it because it’s more money for college and it keeps me from getting bored during quarantine.”
Senior Justin Raible, who also works at Giant Eagle, has had a similar experience managing school and work. “It is pretty crazy because we have to take a lot of precautions and clean everything more than you think. It’s not too difficult balancing work and school though. I typically just do school work at night.”
“Giant Eagle has allowed me to keep my same work schedule that I had while at school. It allows me to get my school work done before I go to work,” said senior Noah Karcher.
Whether it is a student of IHS or not, take time to thank essential workers who put their health on the line to make sure everyone else can live comfortably.

[Photo provided by Grace McGee]
Photo Caption: “(Top) Benjamin Brown, Grace Mcgee, Michael McGarvey, and Jae Kar take a break from working at Giant Eagle during the pandemic.”