By MAGGIE MEDVETZ – Don’t retire the sweatpants and t-shirts quite yet; hybrid learning is continuing into the second quarter and many students feel prepared despite the challenges.
While there are disadvantages to the hybrid model, students have found ways to work around them and be successful while they are learning at home. Keeping this in mind, there are many benefits that hybrid learning has to offer students.
Like any new type of schooling, there will be challenges and setbacks, and hybrid learning is no exception to this. One of these challenges is not getting to see schoolmates on a daily basis and only getting to see half of the student body at one time.
“The disadvantages of hybrid are that I do not get to see my friends every day and I do not get the same quality of education compared to fully in person,” expressed senior Jack Fischer.
Another disadvantage of the hybrid model that students are having to grow accustomed to is distractions. For many students, learning at home presents many more distractions, like phones or TVs, than school does.
Junior Kate Kuzneski noted, “A difficulty that has occurred many times are distractions. Being at home, there are several factors that can distract me from my learning; for instance, my phone.”
Distractions aside, another issue students have found with hybrid learning is an internet connection and access to certain technology-related resources.
Freshman Lizzie Olsen remarked that “not having access to things at school every day can lead to drawbacks in projects and assignments, such as not having access to desktops for computer applications. Some students only have Chromebooks at home so they can’t do every part of their assignment because Chromebooks don’t have everything a desktop has.”
“Over the past seven weeks, I have been kicked out of Google Meets as a result of a bad connection. Fortunately, I’ve found a location in my house that has a better connection,” continued Kuzneski.
Not all is to be lost by using the hybrid model. However, students value many aspects of this new way of learning as it allows more flexibility and personalized learning. These things have allowed students to feel confident about going into the second quarter under the hybrid model.
“Some of the benefits of hybrid learning are the flexibility to manage time efficiently and to be able to get assignments done,” mentioned Fischer. “It’s also a chance to have some in-person learning compared to all online. I have felt that the successes have been that communication with teachers has improved, and my grades have been helped by this model.”
Successes with hybrid can also be noted on the topic of productivity and efficiency.
“This model has been beneficial because I grasp concepts and understandings quicker. While I’m in school on Monday and Tuesday, I use this time to ask my teachers questions on topics that I’m confused about. By saying this, the other three days that I’m home, I concentrate on my subjects better as I get in my ‘work zone’ and accomplish schoolwork more efficiently,” concluded Kuzneski.

[Photo by Erik Puskar]
Photo Caption: “Kate Kuzneski and other students listen to details about the hybrid model in class”