By ADRIANA GUTH-BOROWSKI – As the boy’s golf team swings into the new season, the team says goodbye to seniors Zach Palko, Drew Rado, and Michael McGarvey.
Palko has been on the team for two years and is having the best season of his career. Palko is a self-taught golfer who has an 9-hole match average of 40.7. “The past four matches I have averaged in the 30’s, and not many people who pick up golf on their own can average that without teaching,” expressed Palko.
“It is a fun time to hang out with friends because we all understand what we are doing,” continued Palko. “It is even more fun when you are playing with someone better than you because you have to try to keep up.”
McGarvey has been playing golf for three years; however, this is his rookie season for the IHS team. He has a career low of 50 and has been working all season to improve. “So far, my season has actually been going pretty good. Even though I’m not the best player on the team, I’m making some serious personal progress,” said McGarvey.
“When I graduate, I’ll probably miss a lot of my teammates on the golf team and just having the privilege to go out and play a nice game of golf after school,” concluded McGarvey.
Rado has been playing on the team for three seasons. He has a 9-hole match average of 51.8 and a season low of 47. “Although we aren’t having a winning season, I have enjoyed playing golf for the past three years,” commented Rado.
The team is working hard to improve their season. “I feel the season has gone well overall. There were a lot of early obstacles but nothing unexpected,” noted junior Jack Fischer. “I feel this year’s graduating seniors are a good group overall.”
This year’s lineup includes sophomore Alex Holuta, junior Danny Williams, senior Zach Palko, and juniors Zach Eisenhower, Jack Fischer, and Walker Raykes, respectively.
Additional members of the team include sophomores Owen Lawson and Ben Nettleton, and freshmen Micheal Lubold and Callen Romance. The team is coached by Matt Reed.
The team has a record of 1-10. Although the season has had some struggles, the team is persevering.

[Photo by Erik Puskar]
Photo Caption: “Senior Zach Palko focuses as he tees off.”