By MIA LENZI – Dozens upon dozens of students have dedicated their time to construct the 2018 IHS musical, The Addams Family. The show will occur on March 15 and 16 at 7:30 pm, and on March 17 at both 1:30 pm and 7:30 pm. Tickets will be sold at the door for $8.00.

The musical is based on the well-known nostalgic cartoon and television show, and focuses on a kooky, yet loving family learning how to face the troubles that come along with change, whether that involves letting their daughter grow up or facing the fact of “not today.” The show gives the audience a look at how a family works together, whether living, dead, or undecided.

Senior Clara Sherwood who plays the role of Morticia comments, “Being involved in the musical has been an eye opening experience for me. I haven’t done any shows in the high school, so it’s been amazing to see all of the hard work and preparation that goes into creating this work of art.”

With rehearsals starting in mid-January, the production has been brewing for months! Not only are the actors contributing an abundance of time, but the crew, pit and directors are as well. Vocal director, Mr. CJ Lyons, led vocal rehearsals, while director/choreographer, Mrs. Leah Lyons, worked on piecing together the show. Mr. Jason O’Lear has been working with the pit orchestra to perfect their performance of the impressively difficult music. To ensure that the visual aspect of the show is on point, Mrs. Bethany Ryan, the costume designer, has constructed her dream costume and makeup team, and Mr. Tom Angelo played the part of making Lyons’ set inspirations come to life.

Sophomore Lily Boulard says, “Everyone has put a lot of effort into [the show]!” Senior Maeve Morris adds, “The talented cast, crew, and pit orchestra have poured their hearts and souls into creating an entertaining and energetic production.”

The show also features shout-outs to the Four Diamonds Fund by strategically placing diamonds throughout the show. The musical and the IHS Mini-THON are teaming together to help raise as much awareness as possible. Both organizations are using social media and advertising to bring awareness to both the show and THON.

Leadership student and Addams Family cast member Jill Black explains, “The 2018 Leadership Seminar is partnering with the production of The Addams Family to raise awareness of THON at IHS. In the show, there are four hidden FTK (for the kids) diamonds in the choreography. Also, about a quarter of the cast is involved with THON. In turn, all leadership seminar students are working the front of house for the musical, showing that it takes a village, and that IHS really is “Family first and Family Last.”

It is a major goal of the production to ensure that everyone involved has an amazing experience. Senior Elijah Satchell, playing the role of Uncle Fester says, “[The musical] has been epic. The laughing, the sweat, the tears – the entire cast, pit, and crew are truly iconic. I’ve had, and still am having the time of my life while being a part of this musical.” Cast, crew and pit are invited to participate in activities that help bring the production together.

“That’s what I want the audience to see. Not just a multicultural group of high school students, but a family who has come together to put on a mind-blowing show,” Satchell adds.

“This show is the perfect combination of dark humor…with a fairy-tale twist,” says Sherwood. Come see a show filled with dark humor, laughter, the cutest of love stories, and wonderful music and dancing.

Addams Family pic by Mia LEnzi

[Photo by: Mia Lenzi]

Photo Caption: “Junior Parker Koons as Gomez and senior Clara Sherwood as Morticia rehearse for their big dance scene”

Copy of Screenshot 2017-09-19 at 8.00.22 AM

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