The IHS Mini-THON fundraising committee is raising money for the Four-Diamonds Foundation. There are many different ways they are fundraising, but all the money is going to the same place: the Four Diamonds Foundation.
Senior Emma Masengale comments, “We are fundraising by reaching out to businesses, holding events at school or during after-school events, and collecting change at local businesses as well as after school in our parking lot.”
The Four Diamonds Foundation is a program that supports families and children who are affected by pediatric cancer. According to their website, the “Four Diamonds’ mission is to conquer childhood cancer by assisting children and their families through superior care, comprehensive support and innovative research.” The foundation has helped over 4,000 childhood cancer patients and their families receive the help that they need.
“I think it is very important to raise money because all the money goes towards the Four Diamonds Foundation and to families of kids battling pediatric cancer. I like canning the best! It is my favorite way we are fundraising. We get to go around in the parking lot after school and get the school involved by collecting change. We can at the athletic events too, getting the parents connected,” Masengale exclaims.

Last year the IHS Leadership raised over $46,000 for the Four Diamonds Foundation. Additionally, last year the attendance record was broken, with over 330 people in attendance at Mini-THON. Students in Leadership hope that attendance will match what they had last year.
Masengale states, “We want to raise as much money as possible for this great cause. Even a penny goes a long way, so we are taking anything we can get. Even if we don’t raise as much money as we hoped, every single penny is helping a child and family, so it is exciting. Overall, we are excited for Mini-THON and to celebrate with everyone.”
If you are thinking about donating to Mini-THON in support of the Four Diamonds Foundation, every cent goes towards a family that is struggling with pediatric cancer and you can help them with any spare change you may have.
If interested in donating to the Four Diamonds Foundation in support of IHS Mini-THON, please visit and search for “Indiana Senior High School” or scan the QR code below.