With the change of seasons swiftly approaching, there are many things that the IHS student body has to look forward to. One of the most anticipated events coming up would be the annual spring musical, put on by the IHS Drama Club. This year, the club is taking on performing the Broadway version of the classic 1984 film, Footloose. There’s a lot more that goes into the club’s preparations than one may think, and learning about it can spark a whole new appreciation for the show.
To begin, the club dives into their rehearsals directly after Christmas break. For the entire month of January, the actors learn the entire book, which is essentially all the musical parts. A lot of work is to be expected to be done on the actors’ own time, as it is crucial for rehearsals’ effectiveness. Some actors even go as far as to create Quizlets on their school Chromebooks to help them memorize their lines. Each actor’s process is unique, they all work in different ways, at different paces, and in different styles. Moving into February, the actors begin to work on their choreography and blocking. Throughout the entire period of preparation, the actors also improve their development and connection with their character; this is also something everyone experiences and learns differently.
One of the key aspects of making progress in rehearsals is everyone’s chemistry. Whether or not the actors flow well together can have a serious effect on the overall success of the show. Senior Delia Salser comments on her appreciation for how this year’s cast turned out, “One thing I’ve been saying a lot is the cast this year is just amazing, everyone is so easy to talk to and we all work well together. Our cast has made it so much fun being in an environment where everyone is so open and willing to pull their weight and willing to have fun at the same time.”
Then there’s “Tech Week,” which is essentially when all the components of the show are practiced together. This is considered to be the most hectic week for the IHS Drama Club, simply because of how much is going on at once. Mrs. Leah Lyons, IHS English teacher and Drama Club Adviser serves as director, choreographer, and technical director during this time. These responsibilities piled on top of each other can be a lot to keep track of. Mrs. Lyons comments on the biggest stressors when it comes to running the show, “There’s a lot of disruption with students being absent for various reasons, and of course, tech week.”
[Photo Credit: IHS Drama Department] “Take a moment this weekend to come see ‘Footloose’ at IHS.”
Loads of work goes on behind the scenes, the IHS Drama Club’s Stage Crew is a vital part of ensuring the show runs smoothly. The Stage Crew controls the sounds, lights, and special effects for the performance. There are three weeks in total dedicated to Stage Crew getting everything in order and familiarized. Senior Shanelle Eiselman comments on what she enjoys about being in Stage Crew, “My role is sound. I figure out the microphones for the actors and ensure they are functioning and ready to go. The part of the Stage Crew that’s most fun for me is the end result, surprisingly. Working through it all is fun, but getting to see that final result is just the best.” In addition to the Stage Crew, the Pit Ensemble, a talented group of young musicians, puts in dedicated hours of work to learn the show’s famous music tracks. The Pit Ensemble plays live during the show.
The effort and dedication the IHS Drama Club put in for the spring musical should not go unappreciated. Each member of the club has an important part to play, whether it’s on or off the stage.
Opening night is this Thursday, March 14 at 7:00 p.m. The show will also run Friday, March 15, and Saturday, March 16 at 7:00 p.m. with an additional show Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Ticket prices range from $8-$12 depending on the type of purchase. At the show, audience members have the opportunity to buy concessions items and purchase Candy Grams to send to cast and crew members.
Please take a moment this weekend to “cut Footloose” and support the hard work of our IHS students!
Elizabeth Olsen is a senior and a second-year reporter for the High Arrow. She spends her time outside of school playing tennis, spending time with her friends, and cozying up at home watching TV shows. In school she enjoys her English classes, especially when it comes to writing. She is excited to start writing articles about all the latest school events for the High Arrow.